Below is an update straight from Shannon and Charity about their work yesterday at the camp.
"The past 2 days we have been helping the army make new registration cards for everyone in the camp. Everyone needs to present a card to get meals, water and other supplies. The army keeps paper records by hands, so we've written out hundreds of cards by hand these past 2 days. It's a slow and imperfect process, but we get to meet lots of people doing it and provide a useful service to them.
Today, I ate lunch with the Syrian family we met earlier in the week. One of the women shared the meal she got from the army with me. Eric says that we cannot out give the people living here and that is definitely true. Another man I met today named Ahmed overheard a member of our team say she was cold and asked if she would like him to go grab his spare coat for her.
At lunch, Diala, the woman who was a teacher back home in Syria showed me pictures of her house in Syria and her and her friends out celebrating her birthday when they were all still in Syria. Her sister is 10 and has missed almost a year of school. Most kids have missed more because it was too dangerous for them to go to school in Syria and there is now no access to education in the refugee camps.
Charity met a group of women and sat with them in their tent today and they opened up and shared their stories. The tent had only 3 beds, but is "home" to 2 mamas and 5 kids. These women are raising the kids alone as their husbands have already gone on to Germany."
Duck, duck, goose
Uno with some children
A bus filled with new arrivals to the camp
2 families totaling 7 people live inside this tent