Apply for an internship!
Internships at Connection Church are a great opportunity to get on-the-ground training and experience in church planting, community ministry and leading others. Interns, with the support and guidance of the CCNYC staff, raise their own support ($4,000) and serve from late May-Early August (dates are flexible).
If you would like to join the Connection Church team as an intern, complete the form following the instructions therein and return to:
Connection Church, 36-27 36th Street Astoria, NY 11106
Sean and Emily's stories
Connection Church is in Astoria, Queens - one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the world. People from across the globe have come here seeking fame, fortune and a better life for their family. What if when they arrived they learned there is a God who is seeking them, who loves them and has a plan for their life. We have seen this happen and people from other countries who become disciples here in NYC have taken the hope they have found in the gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe and seen friends follow Christ as well.
That's why we say, "When you reach NYC, you reach the world!"